With the fields argument you can easily filter out content or request additional resources in the Qualtrics Social Connect API instead of fetching the whole response.

How does the field argument work?

When the field argument is empty or invalid, we will return the complete response. If you only want a specific part of the response, you can filter using the following format: The following example will give you the conversation counters instead of the complete mention object.

  • https://api.engagor.com/{account_id}/inbox/mention/{topic_id}/{id}?fields=conversation

When you want specific fields of a mention object, you can filter them out like this: This example will return all content of the screen_name field in the user_mentions entities part of the mention object.

  • https://api.engagor.com/{account_id}/inbox/mention/{topic_id}/{id}?fields=message.fields(entities.fields(user_mentions.fields(screen_name)))
